Saturday 10 September 2011


A huge thank you to all my friends and family who helped me get through my first marathon - you are all heroes and I know I couldn't have done it without you all! You made me laugh, distracted me when I needed it, fed and watered me, and made it all so much more than just a run. And the tears only came when I caught my first sight of my lovely boys and their friends waiting to run the last mile with me. The memories of that day will stay with me forever. I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family. Thank you x

Monday 28 February 2011

Clare's 40th birthday run

As some of you know, it’s been my goal for a long time to run a marathon before I’m 40 … being only a month late is quite good for me. I will need all the help I can get and this is where you, my lovely friends and family, come in. For those of you getting slightly wobbly at the thought of running 26 miles, don’t worry! The plan is that together, you will cover the 26 miles with me, whether you each cover 1 mile or 26 miles, either running or on a bike. If that doesn’t appeal, there are support roles available too. And kids will have a safe stretch on the greenway where they can play on bikes and laugh at us as we wobble and wheeze our way past. The route will include wide pavements, leafy lanes and a greenway, and will take in the sights of Warwick and Kenilworth Castles. Mark (Event Logistics Manager / Sherpa) will be co-ordinating routes to suit your choice of terrain and distance via this blog.

If you do wish to get involved please place a comment below to indicate (1) your preferred distance (2) whether you wish to cycle or run and (3) your preferred terrain (pavement, leafy lane, greenway). Blogging virgins email me instead! We'll confirm the master plan and schedules when we have received all replies.

Saturday 30 October 2010


Plans changed slightly, but still same date and format! Will be getting invitations out early next week with full details and maps etc. It is:

RUN FUN (SLEEP) DRINK WALK EAT = all my favourite things, hopefully with my favourite people!

Base has changed to my house. We'll be running the marathon in the morning (RUN), with kids joining in on bikes for part of it (FUN), then I will need to SLEEP, then we'll be having cocktails and canapes (DRINK), walking across the fields to the Saxon Mill (WALK) then having a birthday meal (EAT). Let's just hope for some good weather and no injuries!