Saturday 30 October 2010


Plans changed slightly, but still same date and format! Will be getting invitations out early next week with full details and maps etc. It is:

RUN FUN (SLEEP) DRINK WALK EAT = all my favourite things, hopefully with my favourite people!

Base has changed to my house. We'll be running the marathon in the morning (RUN), with kids joining in on bikes for part of it (FUN), then I will need to SLEEP, then we'll be having cocktails and canapes (DRINK), walking across the fields to the Saxon Mill (WALK) then having a birthday meal (EAT). Let's just hope for some good weather and no injuries!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Clare
    I'm definitely up for the run! Would like to run 8-10 miles with you if that's ok - suspect my pace is slower than yours, so it might be best if I join you for the latter part? I can get dropped off by Wayne wherever is appropriate, so hopefully will be a low-maintenance running partner :)
    Wayne and the kids will be cycling along the greenway too please.
    We also hope to join you for dinner later too, though need to work on babysitters first, so will confirm this asap.
    Think you are mad! But totally in awe ;)
